Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Carmel High School of Indiana won an award for being one of the best two yearbooks in Indiana for its 2007-2008 yearbook. It received the Hosier Award, for large high schools, the highest honor in the state for publications. Also, several of their journalists won individual awards.

In 1995, San Fernando High School yearbook staff had to recreate their whole yearbook because their discs were stolen. The discs were stooen 12 days before 300-pages were due to be sent in to the publishers.

At Buena park Junior High in 1991, the yearbook advisor was suspended. District officials claim that the advisor inserted Biblical references into the yearbook, without permission.

The 1995 Santa Monica High School yearbook was received with welcome arms. That year, there were no refrences to drugs, alcohol, race, or any other inapprotiate material.

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